Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We Thought We Liked Road Trips...

Today we refined our definition of "road trip" to only include days with 8 or fewer hours of driving...yesterday was a long day. So today Michael is driving a bit faster, still legal but not fuel efficient. The way Michael calculates it, "10 mph faster x 8 hours driving = getting there 80 minutes sooner". Oh well, so much for saving money...

We think we may have misled some people with the title of this blog...while wandering aimlessly would be great fun, there is absolutely no way two Virgos like us could ever operate like that. This trip and this entire summer has been well planned with military precision. We are armed with an itinerary and a host of printed online confirmations and reservations that were made months ago. But we thank those of you who thought we were capable of such behavior, it's very flattering.

It was an exciting day of driving...up long steep slopes, down long steep slopes...and fighting the wind the whole way. Oddly, southern Idaho, and northern Utah interstates have no scenic overlooks, but we thought it was scenic in its own way, so today we have Images From the Passenger Seat

Feeding time at the feedlot: Michael prefers to believe it is the home of a family who loves pets and prefers cows...

 Sign at an Idaho rest area...that would have been quite a lake...but it explains the geology out here...fascinating:

Golden grass as far as the eye could see:

Exiting Idaho/Entering Utah:

The northern Utah landscape:

The mother of all cows...but upon further examination...the father of all cows...

Notice the white patches on the ground...salt residue from dried up marshes:

The Great Salt Lake:

Driving towards downtown Salt Lake City:

The Mona Reservoir, south of Provo:

Views as we get closer to Bryce Canyon (this one is out Michael's window):

Red Canyon...just before you arrive at Bryce Canyon:

We finally got to Bryce at about 5:15. We pulled in and leveled the Roadtrek:

While getting ourselves settled, we see our good friends, Sue and Fletcher traipsing through the trees with wine and camp chairs in hand. We were so happy to have finally arrived after another long day of driving, and we so quickly fell into catching up with our friends, that we didn't get any photos after we arrived. We'll do better tomorrow.

The weather is up and down. It was warm when we arrived but it cooled rapidly. The wind was gusting periodically and then we got 100 raindrops, just enough to be annoying. After dinner the wind calmed so we fetched Sue and Fletcher for a campfire with smores. Then to bed. We have decided next time...3 days driving to get here. Good night...

Miles driven: 562.94. Travel time: 9 hours. Bugs killed: hundreds more (estimated)

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