Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bryce Canyon Day 2

This morning we got started a little bit earlier since we wanted to do a longer hike. We departed our campsite and made our way over to Sunset Point on the rim of the canyon to pick up the Rim Trail. On our way over we noticed that the group camp was occupied...they look like locals...

From Sunset Point we took the Rim Trail to Fairyland Point about a mile north. From there we headed down the Fairyland Trail. The Fairyland Trail is less traveled than the other trails at Bryce due to the length of the loop trail (8 miles) and some pretty significant elevation gain and loss. In the hiking guides it is classified as a strenuous hike and we would have to agree...if the climbs and descents don't get you the beating sun will.

This is a nice hike with a lot of and downs and stretches of level trail, rocks, trees and even meadows early on. At the start of the trail, Fletcher pointed out this cocoon of what he calls web worms. At home we'd just call them caterpillars and get rid of them.

Since most of the day was spent on the trail with our friends, talking, laughing and enjoying the landscape, there isn't much to report. But we did what everyone feels compelled to do when at Bryce...we took alot of pictures. The following are some of the highlights of our 5 hours on the trails of Bryce Canyon. While pictures of Bryce are amazing, they don't do it justice, you have to see it to believe it. The colors are so vibrant, with walls of white hoodoos nestled in among rows or deep red and pink and orange hoodoos. And on the Fairyland Trail you get a chance to see more of this amazingly inhospitable landscape from angles and vantage points that you don't get by staying up on the canyon rim. The place is far more striking in person, but here is a taste of this extraordinary landscape...

On the trail in the meadow area...Michael appears to be getting much taller at this higher altitude...

A neat view looking up at the hoodoos...

We started amusing ourselves by deciding what certain hoodoos looked like...this one is for all you Arkansas Razorback fans...

Ho hum, another lunch spot with a mediocre view...

More great afternoon views of the canyon...

You really gotta admire this tree...hanging on for dear life...that's determination! (This would make a great motivational

This is a rock formation called Tower, we did not cross it...

We hiked the trail in a clockwise direction which meant meadows first, and a 1.7 mile incline last...hmmm, maybe we'll take the other direction next time...but there's only one way out, and that's up...!

In a landscape of red and coral and pink and orange, there is this amazing wall of gleaming white...

Across the valley from the white wall above is this wall of windows...

As we reached Sunrise Point at the end of the endless incline out of the canyon, we see this, let me look at that brochure again, I didn't know this was an option...!

It was another breathtaking day at Bryce Canyon, and a great day of hiking in some pretty striking landscapes. We returned to camp, opened a beer, and reviewed our photos. A little clean up and we're ready for cocktail hour among the trees.

To make our day even more exciting, the 50 telescopes arrive tonight!!! Yes, last night was but a test! So we will head to the north campground tonight to check it out, and we're well prepared after last night's educational presentation!

Miles hiked: 10. Travel time: 5 hours. Bugs killed: 1 (inside the RV)


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