Monday, May 14, 2012

Let the Wandering Begin

There is a quote that says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Technically, this journey south is 1,115.29 miles--thank you Mapquest! Our first step was waking up to a 5:30AM alarm. After a couple hours of final preparations, one of which was loading the wine and a hatchet...that doesn't sound like a safe pairing...we were off at about 8:00...

First stop- Snoqualmie Pass


Lake Keechelus on the fly...

As we traveled I said to Michael, "Let's stop at every view point along the way so we have some scenic shots to post." About an hour later we were approaching our first view point. As I pointed out the sign for the view point, Michael asks, "do I have to stop?". Now, to be fair, we were climbing a steep grade and he didn't want to lose the momentum he had going, but we did stop...Manastash Ridge, elevation 2672, with a view of the beautiful snow capped North Cascades.

Just north of Yakima another view point... In the distance, Mt. Adams (on the left) and Mt. Rainier (on the right) with a small overlook of the Selah Cliffs.

(Can't really see the mountains as well as we hoped...Michael is playing with a new camera and learning the panorama mode)

As we headed up into the Blue Mountains outside of Pendleton, Oregon another overlook...a beautiful view of the grain fields of central Oregon. A couple years ago we traveled down from the Blue Mountains in July and the winter wheat was in full bloom, what a sight...I still regret not stopping for a picture... Maybe later this year we will again see the amber waves of grain...

Mile 288, almost to Baker City, Oregon...we cross the 45th parallel, the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole...I guess it's all downhill from here...

Not much to say past this point...once out of the Blue Mountains the landscape was pretty much sagebrush and then more sagebrush--beautiful in it's own way. Drove through Ontario Oregon, where our brother in law grew up on his family farm. Then through Boise and finally Mountain Home, Idaho.

Weather in route today was sunny and warm...92 degrees in some places.

Miles traveled: 552. Travel time: 10 hours. Bugs killed on the front of the RoadTrek: hundreds (estimated).


  1. I am going to love this! Nice work!

  2. Love the photos!! What an adventure you two are on. Oh, and Aunt Patty, you are a PRO BLOGGER!
