Saturday, July 14, 2012

On the Road Again!

July 9, 2012

Today we hit the road again...we're heading out on a loop through the northwestern U.S. the first destination is Ketchum, Idaho, but we're going to be stopping overnight in Pendleton, Oregon.

The RoadTrek is packed and we head out of town on a beautiful sunny's nice to be back on the road. As we head across Lake Washington we're thankful for the toll...yes, the outrageous toll fee structure has made rush hour a breeze! And we get to see what our toll money is funding...a new bridge is underway with activity both on the water and on the shore...

Then it's up over the mountains, down the other side and a beautiful drive along the shores of Keechelus Lake...

As we get to lunch time, we stop at Indian John Hill rest area which is near Cle is a hot day here in Eastern Washington and will be getting hotter as we make our way east and we found a shady spot for a quick lunch...

Call us crazy, but we enjoy the vast panoramas we see when we drive througto eastern Washington, and we eventually make it to the Oregon border...

On our recent travels into Eastern Washington and Oregon we have gotten quite familiar with this's the pieces of huge wind turbines that are being installed out on the plains to generate power...the guys who have to drive these trucks up the hills have our sympathy...we thought we drove slowly up the steep inclines..these guys crawl!

We arrive in Pendleton by mid afternoon, and boy is it hot...close to 100 degrees! Seems we attract hot weather everywhere we go this summer...So we pull into the hotel parking lot, find a shady parking spot, ...and take our case of wine into the air conditioned hotel room! Leaving the roof fan on and windows open on the RV will not keep it cool on an afternoon like this...

After we have cooled off for a few minutes in our hotel, we decide to head back out in search of a nice place to get a drink, appetizers and we head into downtown Pendleton. Pendleton is really a nice little town, with old buildings lining the streets and free on-street parking...We read good reviews of a place called the Great Pacific Wine and Coffee Company, so we decide to check it out.

Based on the amount of wine on the walls, we think this will be a good fit! But first things first, we're hot and thirsty so we start with a nice cold beer and an appetizer pizza...

We chose a table in the wine tasting and bar area, and while we take in the ambience we notice there is a stage which appears to be set up for a performance...the T-shirts on display say "James Dean Kindle and the Eastern Oregon Playboys". While we sip our beer, we overhear a couple of folks talking about the entertainment that's scheduled for this evening, and the show is supposed to start in about an we settle in, order our dinner and wine, and wait for the show to begin!

The first band is indeed James Dean Kindle and the Eastern Oregon Playboys, and they're pretty good...though the Eastern Oregon Playboys don't really look like playboys to us...The room is full by the time the performance starts, and, for a bar, it is surprisingly evidenced by the young lady featured in this video who is clearly underage but has obviously been imbibing...

The main act this evening is Jason Anderson and the Best...they're from Boston and had played at a festival in Pendleton two years ago...and they liked the fans so much they came back to Pendleton on their 2012 tour. While we wait, we Google the band and find out that the lead singer is known for his energy...the review used terms like "whirlwind" so we're looking forward to seeing his act.

Jason Anderson does not look like an entertainer, and really does not look like a front man for a band, but this little guy can really put on a show...

As the band gets going, they really get the crowd involved in singing along and soon everyone is on their feet having a great's a taste of our very fun evening at the Great Pacific with Jason Anderson and the Best...

We head back to our hotel very late (well, late for us) with our ears ringing but glad we stayed for the show...

As we stop at the gas station on our way back to our hotel, there is quite a lightning show going on to the south of us. The storm blackens out the sky and we see alot of lightning. Here's a photo of the sky...and our attempt to get video of the lightning...not nearly as impressive as seeing it in person, but if you put your face close to the computer screen it has a little more impact...

Tomorrow we will get on the road headed to Ketchum, Idaho to see friends and do a little work...yeah, not supposed to while on sabbatical, but it involves showing up and eating dinner at some really nice homes with some really nice we ought to be able to handle it....