Thursday, June 14, 2012

Update: The Path of our Wanderings

June 7, 2012

Thank you to all of you who are reading our is great fun to get your questions and comments, it's like you're with us on this adventure!

We've been asked several times to post our itinerary, and due to our very full days and the vagaries of Internet access we have been delayed in posting this overview of our current wandering. So, for those who want to follow along, here is our planned route:

Chengdu, China - meet our group and fly to Tibet

Lhasa, Tibet (4 days, elevation 11,800 - 13,700 ft)

Tsetang, Tibet (2 days, elevation 12,000 ft)

Gyantse, Tibet (elevation 13,000 ft)

Shigaste, Tibet (elevation 12,600 ft)

Sakya, Tibet (elevation 13,200 ft)

Shegar, Tibet (elevation 13,300 ft)

Rongbuk, Tibet (elevation 16,500 ft)

Everest Base Camp, Tibet (17,000 ft)

Tingri, Tibet (elevation 13,000 ft)

Zhangmu, Tibet (elevation 7,500 ft)

Kathmandu, Nepal (2 days, elevation 4,600 ft)

Bangkok, Thailand (layover)

Siem Reap, Cambodia (4 days)

Seoul, Korea (half day)


There will be much to see and too much to share in our brief posts, but we'll try our best to include you in the highlights of our daily experiences.

Thanks again for joining us on this adventure!

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